Immunoregulation of human BLT1R expression

BLT1IFN-γMonocytes↓ mRNA; ↓ protein; ↓ chemotaxisPettersson et al., 2005
TNF-αMonocytes↓ mRNA; ↓ proteinPettersson et al., 2005
Granulocytes↓ proteinPettersson et al., 2003
IL-1βVascular SMCs↑ mRNABäck et al., 2005
HUVECs↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinQiu et al., 2006
IL-10Monocytes↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinPettersson et al., 2005
LPSMonocytes↓ mRNAPettersson et al., 2005
Granulocytes↓ proteinPettersson et al., 2003
Vascular SMCs↑ mRNABäck et al., 2005
HUVECs↑ mRNA; ↑ protein; ↑ [Ca2+]iQiu et al., 2006
IL-5Eosinophils↑ chemotaxisSehmi et al., 1992; Thivierge et al., 2000
  • a ↑, up-regulation; ↓, down-regulation; specified are the effects (at mRNA, protein, and functional level).