Table 5

Regulation of gene expression by cell adhesion receptors

Receptor InvolvedGene RegulatedCell TypeReference
β1 integrinsIE genes (cytokines TFs)Human monocytes(Yurochko et al., 1992)
β1 integrinsTissue factorHuman monocytes(Fan et al., 1995)
β1 integrins (other integrins?)Milk genesMouse breast cells(Streuli et al., 1991)
β1 integrinsMuscle-specific genesQuail myoblasts(Sastry et al., 1996)
β1 integrinsMetalloproteasesSynovial fibroblasts(Werb et al., 1989)
β1 integrinsCytokinesChondrocytes(Yonezawa et al., 1996)
β2 integrinsE-selectinEndothelial cells(Nobleet al., 1996)
αvβ3MetalloproteasesMelanoma(Seftor et al., 1992)
αvβ3p53Endothelial(Strombladet al., 1996)
α5β1IE genesColon carcinoma cells(Varner et al., 1995)
α5β1Bcl-2CHO cells(Zhang et al., 1995c)
IntegrinsIL-2T cells(Udagwa et al., 1996)
Matrix (integrins?)IntegrinsBreast epithelia(Delcommenne and Streuli, 1995)
Matrix (integrins?)Liver specificHepatocytes(DiPersio et al., 1991; Liuet al., 1991)
CEA (an Ig-CAM)NCAM, MUC18Melanoma(Grimm and Johnson, 1995)
E-cadherinSyndecan (a proteoglycan)Mammary tumor cells(Leppa et al., 1996)