Table 1

Recent reviews on muscarinic receptors

Pharmacology, structure, coupling, localization Hulme et al.(1990)
Pharmacology, structure, coupling, localization Caulfield (1993)
Pharmacology, classification techniques Caulfield (1997)
Muscarinic receptors in smooth muscle Eglen et al.(1996)
Roles for M2 and M3 receptors in smooth muscle Eglen et al. (1994)
Species differences Hall et al. (1993)
Mutational analysis of ligand binding and G-protein-binding residues Wess et al.(1995); Wess (1996)
Muscarinic receptor toxins Jerusalinsky and Harvey (1994)
Signal transduction Felder (1995)
Ion channel coupling Brown et al. (1995)
Presynaptic muscarinic receptors Grimm et al. (1994b)
Fuder and Muscholl (1995)
Newer agonists and antagonists Eglen and Watson (1996)
Grimm et al. (1994b)
Muscarinic receptor subtypes symposium Levine and Birdsall (1997)