Table 1

Some chemical parameters for Ga3+, Fe3+, Al3+, and In3+

ParameterUnitGa3+Fe3+ high spinAl3+In3+Ref.
Ionic radius (octahedral)Å0.6200.6450.5350.8001
Ionic radius (tetrahedral)Å0.470.490.390.621
Ionization potential (4th ionization potential)eV6454.8119.99542
Electron affinity (3rd ionization potential)eV30.7130.6528.4528.032
Absolute hardness (Pearson)eV1712.0845.77132
Electronegativity (Pauling)Pauling units1.811.831.611.783
Metal-oxygen bond dissociation energyKJ mol−1 353.5390.4511320.14
First metal-hydroxide formation constant: K 1 = [MOH2−]/[M3+][OH]logK 1 11.411.819.0110.05
Tendency to ionic bonding (HA)none7.697.2210.506.306
  • References: (1) Shannon, 1976; (2) Pearson, 1988; (3) Huheey et al., 1993; (4) Kerr, 1996; (5) Smith and Martell, 1976; (6) Hancock and Marsicano, 1980.