Table 3

Pretreatment regimens to AS oligos to opioid receptors

AS OligoPretreatment Regimen
AS oligos to the δ-opioid receptor
 5′-CGC CCC AGC CTC TTC CTC-3′ (AS oligo to bases 51–70 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Rats: 10 μg/1 μl, iPAG3-a at −5, −3, and −1 day (11)
 5′-GCA CGG GCA GAG GGC ACC AG-3′ (AS oligo to bases 7–26 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Mice: 12.5 μg/5 μl i.c.v. b.i.d. at −3, −2, and −1 day (6, 7)
 5′-ATG TAG ATG TTG GTG GCG GT-3′ (AS oligo to bases 459–478 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Mice: 12.5 μg/5 μl i.c.v. b.i.d. at −3, −2, and −1 day (8)
 5′-AGA GGG CAC CAG CTC CAT-3′ (AS oligo to bases 1–18 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Mice: 12.5 μg/5 μl i.c.v. b.i.d. at −3, −2, and −1 day (2)
 5′-AGG GCA CCA GCT CCA TGG GG-3′ (AS oligo to bases 25–44 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Mice: 1 μg/5 μl i.t. at −3, −2, and −1 day (9, 10, 13, 14, 15)
 5′-CGA GCG CAA CAG CTG CAT-3′ (AS oligo to bases 29–46 of the cloned mouse δ receptor)Mice: 1 or 5 μg/2 μl i.t. at −5, −3, and −1 day (12)
AS oligos to the κ-opioid receptor
 5′-AAT CTG GAT GGG GGA CTC-3′ (AS oligo to bases 226–243 of the cloned rat κ receptor)Rats: 20 μg/5 μl i.c.v. at −5, −3, and −1 day (1)
 5-AAT CTG GAT GGG GGA CTC-3′ (AS oligo to bases 4–21 of the cloned rat κ receptor)Rats: 20 μg/5 μl i.c.v. at −5, −3, and −1 day (4)
AS oligos to the μ-opioid receptor
 5′-GGT GCC TCC AAG GAC TAT CGC-3′ (AS oligo to bases 761–782 of the cloned rat μ receptor)Mice: 5 μg i.t. at −5, −3, and −1 day (5)
 5′-GCC GGT GCT GCT GTC CAT-3′ (AS oligo to bases 1–18 of the cloned rat μ receptor)Rats: 20 μg/5 μl i.c.v. at −5, −3, and −1 day (3, 4)
  • References: 1, Adams et al., 1994; 2, Bilsky et al., 1994; 3,Chen et al., 1995a; 4, Chen et al., 1995b; 5, Chien et al., 1994; 6,Kest et al., 1996; 7, Lai et al., 1994; 8, Lai et al., 1995; 9,Mizoguchi et al., 1996; 10, Narita and Tseng, 1995; 11, Rossi et al., 1994; 12, Standifer et al., 1994; 13, Tseng et al., 1994; 14, Tseng et al., 1995; 15, Tseng and Collins, 1994.

  • 3-a iPAG, injected into the periaquductal region of the brain.