Effects of antidepressant treatments on BDNF expression

Antidepressant Treatment

Dosage and Modalities

Cerebral Area, Technique, Measure

Major Findings

Electroconvulsive treatment Acute: a single electrostimulation; chronic: 10 days FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Increase of BDNF mRNA after both acute and chronic ECT in FCX and HC Nibuya et al. (1995)
Acute: a single electrostimulation; chronic: 10 days Several brain areas; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Effects of both acute and chronic ECT were most prominent on exon I and II containing BDNF mRNAs in hippocampal and cortical subfields; chronic ECT enhanced acute induction of exon I, II, and IV mRNAs Dias et al. (2003)
Acute: a single electrostimulation; chronic: 10 days Several brain areas; ELISA; BDNF protein level Chronic ECT increased the amount of BDNF protein in all brain regions assessed, producing the highest overall increase in the entorhinal cortex and septum Altar et al. (2003)
Chronic: 10 days FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, ELISA; BDNF mRNA and protein level ECT significantly increased BDNF mRNA in DG and BDNF protein in both FCX and HC Jacobsen and Mork (2004)
Fluoxetine 5 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Chronic FLX administration increased expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA in HC but not in FCX Nibuya et al. (1996)
3 mg/kg; 1, 14 days; osmotic minipumps Several brain areas; in situ hybridization, histochemistry; BDNF mRNA Acute FLX treatment increased BDNF mRNA in frontoparietal cortex and inferior olive but reduced it in HC; chronic FLX treatment decreased BDNF mRNA in HC; BDNF mRNA increased only in pontine nuclei Miró et al. (2002)
10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA FLX decreased BDNF mRNA in HC 4 h after both acute and chronic treatment, whereas it up-regulated BDNF mRNA only 24 h after chronic drug treatment; no changes found in FCX Coppell et al. (2003)
5 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. Several brain areas; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Acute FLX induced region-specific decreases in distinct exon-specific BDNF transcript; chronic FLX administration did not have significant effects on specific BDNF transcripts Dias et al. (2003)
20 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 4 days, 2 and 3 weeks Several brain areas; ELISA; BDNF protein level FLX did not elevate BDNF protein levels in HC Altar et al. (2003)
20 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 3 weeks, i.p. Cortex, HC; in situ hybridization, histochemistry, Western blot; TrkB phosphorylation and protein level BDNF mRNA Acute and chronic FLX treatment increased trkB autophosphorylation without modifying total levels; no change in BDNF mRNA level after acute FLX administration Saarelainen et al. (2003)
10 mg/kg; acute: single administration p.o.; time course: 4, 7, 14, and 21 days p.o. Brain section; in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, ELISA; BDNF mRNA and protein level Single FLX administration had no effect on BDNF mRNA and protein level; 4 days of FLX decreased BDNF mRNA in several brain regions, and significantly in CA1, CA3, medial habenular, and paraventricular thalamic nuclei; 7 days of FLX increased BDNF mRNA nonsignificantly, whereas 14 days significantly increased BDNF mRNA; BDNF immunoreactivity was slightly lower at 4 and 7 days of FLX treatment—at 14, days there was a trend toward an increase in CA3; a significant increase in BDNF immunoreactivity was detected in CA1 and DG after 21 days of FLX De Foubert et al. (2004)
10 mg/kg; 14 days i.p.; wt and tg mice with impaired GR function CA1, CA3, DG; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Basal expression of BDNF mRNA not significantly different between wt and tg mice with impaired GR function; FLX significantly up-regulated BDNF mRNA in DG and CA3 of tg mice; in wt animals, chronic FLX treatment provoked no significant changes in any hippocampal region Vinet et al. (2004)
Sertraline 10 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Increase of BDNF and trkB mRNA after chronic sertraline treatments in HC Nibuya et al. (1995)
5 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Sertraline down-regulated BDNF expression at 4 h after the last injection but up-regulated it in HC 24 h after chronic treatment; 4 h after a single injection of sertraline, a decrease in BDNF mRNA was observed in HC; no changes found at 24 h after drug; neither single nor repeated injections of sertraline influenced BDNF mRNA in FCX Coppell et al. (2003)
Paroxetine 5 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Paroxetine down-regulated BDNF expression at 4 h after the last injection but up-regulated it in HC 24 h after chronic treatment; 4 h after a single injection of paroxetine, a decrease in BDNF mRNA was observed in HC; no changes found at 24 h postdrug Coppell et al. (2003)
Escitalopram 10 mg/kg; osmotic minipumps; 3 weeks FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, ELISA; BDNF mRNA and protein level No significant effect on BDNF mRNA observed in both FCX and CA3 after escitalopram treatments; escitalopram had no significant effects on BDNF mRNA in DG; escitalopram significantly decreased BDNF protein expression Jacobsen and Mork (2004)
Desipramine 15 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Increase of BDNF and trkB mRNA in HC after chronic treatment Nibuya et al. (1995)
15 mg/kg; rolipram (1.25 mg/kg); Ro 20-1724 (12.5 mg/kg); time course: 1, 7, 14, and 21 days i.p. HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF mRNA Acute, short-term, and chronic administration of either desipramine or a PDE4 inhibitor alone did not influence BDNF mRNA levels; chronic coadministration of a PDE4 inhibitor and desipramine significantly increased BDNF mRNA; BDNF mRNA levels increased in the major subfields of HC after coadministration of a PDE4 inhibitor and desipramine Fujimaki et al. (2000)
10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA No changes in BDNF expression found after single or repeated administration of desipramine both at 4 and 24 h postdrug Coppell et al. (2003)
15 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. Several brain areas; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Acute desipramine induced region-specific decreases in distinct exon-specific BDNF transcript; chronic desipramine treatment enhanced exon III mRNAs in discrete hippocampal and cortical subfields Dias et al. (2003)
15 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 4 days, 2 and 3 weeks Several brain areas; ELISA; BDNF protein level Desipramine did not elevate BDNF protein levels in HC Altar et al. (2003)
10 mg/kg; 14 days i.p.; wt and tg mice with impaired GR function CA1, CA3, DG; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Basal expression of BDNF mRNA was not significantly different between wt and tg mice with impaired GR function; DMI significantly up-regulated BDNF mRNA in DG of impaired GR function mice; in wt animals, chronic treatment provoked no significant changes in any hippocampal region Vinet et al. (2004)
10 mg/kg i.p; 3 weeks FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, ELISA; BDNF mRNA and protein level No significant effect on BDNF mRNA observed in either FCX or CA3 after treatment; desipramine significantly increased BDNF mRNA in DG; desipramine did not modify BDNF protein level in any examined region Jacobsen and Mork (2004)
Imipramine 15 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Increase of BDNF mRNA in HC after chronic imipramine treatment; increase of trkB after chronic treatment Nibuya et al. (1995)
15 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p.; rolipram (2 mg/kg): 10 days FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Chronic administration of PDE inhibitors (rolipram and papaverine) significantly increased BDNF and trkB mRNA in HCl; coadministration of imipramine and rolipram for 7 days up-regulated BDNF mRNA Nibuya et al. (1996)
15 mg/kg; 20 days i.p.; ± physical activity HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA No effect with imipramine alone; potentiation of BDNF mRNA expression by combination of physical activity and imipramine Russo-Neustad et al. (1999)
30 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 3 weeks i.p. Cortex, HC; in situ hybridization, histochemistry, Western blot; TrkB phosphorylation and protein level, BDNF mRNA Acute and chronic treatment increased trkB autophosphorylation without modifying total levels; no change in BDNF mRNA level after acute administration Saarelainen et al. (2003)
1.25–10 mg/kg; ± Rolipram: 1.25 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 10 days i.p. FCX, HC, striatum; ELISA; BDNF protein level BDNF protein levels were significantly lower in FCX and HC of LH rats than in control rats; chronic treatment with imipramine or rolipram led to a nonsignificant trend toward an increase in BDNF levels; coadministration of imipramine and rolipram significantly increased BDNF protein level in FCX and HC; acute treatment with either drug alone or in combination did not influence BDNF protein levels in LH rats Itoh et al. (2004)
Amitriptyline 5 and 10 mg/kg; 21 days i.p. HC; immunohistochemistry; BDNF protein At 5 mg/kg, amitriptyline increased BDNF immunostaining in hippocampal pyramidal neurons; the higher dose of amitriptyline did not affect BDNF immunolevels Xu et al. (2003)
Tranylcypromine 7.5 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Chronic TCP administration increased the expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA in HC but not in FCX Nibuya et al. (1996)
7.5 mg/kg; ± physical activity; 20 days i.p. HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Increase of BDNF mRNA with TCP in several HC areas; potentiation of BDNF mRNA density by combination of physical activity and antidepressant Russo-Neustad et al. (1999)
7.5 mg/kg; ± physical activity; 2, 7, and 20 days i.p. HC; in situ hybridization; expression of specific BDNF transcripts (exon I and II), BDNF mRNA TCP in a short-term treatment led to a significant increase in exon I; chronic TCP increased exon I levels in DG and CA1 but did not modifiy exon II levels; longterm physical activity upregulated transcription of BDNF mRNA containing exons I and II; combination of antidepressant and physical activity may accelerate and increase the amount of BDNF transcription Russo-Neustad et al. (2000)
5 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA 4 h after a single injection of TCP, a decrease in BDNF mRNA was observed in HC; no changes found at 24 h postdrug; TCP down-regulated BDNF expression at 4 h after the last injection but up-regulated it 24 h after chronic treatment in HC; neither single nor repeated injections of TCP influenced BDNF mRNA in FCX Coppell et al. (2003)
7, 5, and 10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. Several brain areas; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA Acute TCP induced region-specific decreases in distinct exon-specific BDNF transcripts; chronic TCP treatment enhanced exon II and exon III mRNAs, respectively, in discrete hippocampal and cortical subfields Dias et al. (2003)
8–10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 4 days, 2 and 3 weeks Several brain areas; ELISA; BDNF protein level Acute treatment with TCP failed to alter BDNF, whereas BDNF protein levels significantly increased after 2 and 3 weeks of treatment in FCX and neostriatum, respectively, but not in HC Altar et al. (2003)
Venlafaxine 5 and 10 mg/kg; 21 days i.p. HC; Immunohistochemistry; BDNF protein At 5 mg/kg, venlafaxine increased BDNF immunostaining in hippocampal pyramidal neurons; at 10 mg/kg, venlafaxine decreased BDNF immunostaining in all HC subareas Xu et al. (2003)
Mianserin 10 mg/kg; acute: 1 day i.p.; chronic: 21 days i.p. FCX, HC; in situ hybridization, Northern blot; BDNF and trkB mRNA Chronic treatment with mianserin increased BDNF mRNA in HC; chronic mianserin did not affect trkB Nibuya et al. (1995)
10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA No changes in BDNF expression found after single or repeated administration of mianserin, both at 4 and 24 h postdrug Coppell et al. (2003)
10 mg/kg; acute: single injection i.p.; chronic: 14 days i.p.; rats sacrificed 4 and 24 h after last injection
FCX, HC; in situ hybridization; BDNF mRNA
No changes in BDNF expression found after single or repeated administration of maprotiline, both at 4 and 24 h postdrug
Coppell et al. (2003)
  • FCX, frontal cortex; HC, hippocampus; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; Ro 20-1724, 4-[(3-butoxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-methyl]-2-imidazolidinone; PDE, phosphodiesterase.