Receptor nomenclature NR3A1
Receptor code 4.10.1:EST:3:A1
Other names ER1, Esr1
Molecular information Hs: 595aa, P03372, chr. 6q251
Rn: 600aa, P06211, chr. 1q122
Mm: 599aa, P19785, chr. 10 A13
DNA binding
   Structure Homodimer
   HRE core sequence GGTCAnnnTGACC (ERE, half-site, palindrome)
Partners HSP90 (physical, functional): cellular localization, DNA binding4; AP1 (physical, functional): DNA binding, transcriptional activition5; SP1 (physical, functional): DNA binding, transcriptional activation6
Agonists Diethylstilbestrol (0.04 nM), 4-hydroxytamoxifen* (0.14 nM), 17β-estradiol* (0.15 nM), propylpyrazole triol (0.23 nM), raloxifen (0.31 nM), estriol (2.2 nM), estrone (3.2 nM), (R,R)-THC (4.2 nM), tamoxifen* (15 nM) [Ki]79
Antagonists Hexestrol (0.05 nM), 4-OH-tamoxifen* (0.14 nM), raloxifen (0.31 nM), ICI182780 (0.24 nM), tamoxifen* (15 nM) [Ki]7
Coactivators NCOA1, NCOA2, NCOA3, CREBBP, PPARBP, P68, SRA10
Corepressors NCOR1, NRIP110
Biologically important isoforms ERα46 {Hs}: translation is started at an internal ATG and produces a protein that lacks most of AF111; A908 {Hs}: mutation appears in premalignant breast lesions and malignant breast cancers12
Tissue distribution Endometrium, liver, white adipose tissue, breast, bone, central and peripheral nervous system, ovary, cardiovascular system, brain, testis, prostate, epididymis {Hs, Mm, Rn} [Northern blot, Q-PCR, in situ hybridization, Western blot, immunohistology]
Functional assays Uterotrophic assay {Mm, Rn}13; HGP axis (gonadotropin suppression) {Hs, Mm, Rn}14; vaginal cornification {Mm, Rn}15
Main target genes Activated: pS2 {Hs}16, progesterone receptor {Hs}17, cathepsin D {Hs}18
Mutant phenotype Obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, infertility (male and female), uterine atrophy, female loss of negative gonadotropin feedback, loss of female sexual and maternal behavior, genu valgum, elevated gonadotropins, autoimmune glomerularnephritis, osteopenia, cardiovascular vasodilation resistance {Mm} [knockout]19
Human disease Breast cancer20; endometrial cancer21; obesity22; insulin resistance and diabetes22
  • aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome; HRE, hormone response element; Q-PCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction; CREBBP, cAMP response element binding protein binding protein; PPARBP, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor binding protein; SRA, steroid receptor RNA activator; HGP, hypothalamus-gonadotropin-pituitary axis

  • * Radioligand

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