Electronic access and citation rates for articles from Pharmacological Reviews Articles were chosen for illustrative purposes and were not systematically identified. The number of citations was determined using ISI Web of Knowledge. Citations per year were determined by dividing the number of citations by the number of days since publication divided by 365. Note that the electronic access numbers are for full texts of the articles during January 2009 only.

Article Topic Electronic Accesses January 2009 Citations Since Publication Citations per Year Since Publication Electronic Accesses per Annual Citation
Andersson, 2001 Penile erection 1310 197 26.5 49.4
Kreek et al., 2005 Cocaine 498 68 17.3 28.8
Dingledine et al., 1999 Glutamate receptor 746 1620 163 4.6
Moghimi et al., 2001 Nanoparticles 381 494 64.3 5.9
Hawkins and Davis, 2005 Blood-brain barrier 417 146 39.7 10.5