Effects of acyl ghrelin and obestatin on memory

DrugsAnimals StudiedAdministration Routes with and without Acting AreasEffects on Memory RetentionReference
Acyl ghrelinRatsi.c.v. and microinjected into hippocampus, amygdala, and dorsal raphe nucleus↑ Memory retentionCarlini et al., 2002,2004
Acyl ghrelinMicei.c.v.Reversing decreased memory for novel object recognition in long-term food restrictionCarlini et al., 2008
Acyl ghrelinNeonatal chicksi.c.v.↓ Memory retentionCarvajal et al., 2009
ObestatinRatsi.c.v.↑ Memory retentionCarlini et al., 2007b
  • i.c.v., intracerebroventricular.