Effect of withdrawal from long-term pentobarbital treatment in vivo on GABAA receptor subunit mRNA expression

Species, Dose, Duration, Withdrawal Time, Regimen, Brain RegionSubunit mRNAReference
% change
Rat, 7.2 mg/d,a 6 d, 1 dTseng et al., 1994
Infusion, osmotic minipump
        Layer II/III+52+21
        Layer IV+32+14
        Layer V/VI+39+16
    Piriform cortex+14+14
        Dentate gyrusN.S.N.S.
    Caudate putamenN.S.N.S.
    Medial habenular nucleusN.S.N.S.
    Superior colliculusN.S.
    Inferior colliculusN.S.
    Central grayN.S.
        Molecular layerN.S.
        Granule cells+18N.S.
        Purkinje cells+45
Rat, 7.2 mg/d,a 6 d, 1 dIto et al., 1996a
Infusion, osmotic minipump
        Granule cellsN.S.
Mouse, 3×75 mg/d, 7 d, 1 dLin and Wang, 1996
Infusion, osmotic minipump
    Frontal cortexN.S.
Rat, increasing doseYin and Lee, 1998
60→90 mg/kg/d, 9 d, 1 d
Intraperitoneal injection
        Dentate gyrusN.S.
Rat, increasing doseYin and Lee, 1998
60→90 mg/kg/d, 9 d, 7 d
Intraperitoneal injection
        Dentate gyrusN.S.
  • d, day(s); N.S., not significantly different from the control value; —, not detected.

  • a Continuous infusion.