Effect of withdrawal from long-term ethanol treatment in vivo on GABAA receptor α subunit mRNA expression

Species, Dose, Duration, Withdrawal Time Regimen, Brain RegionSubunit mRNAReference
% change
Rat, 5 g/kg/d, 6 d, 1dMhatre and Ticku, 1992
    Intragastric intubation
        Cerebral cortex−71−61, −43N.S.−45
Rat, 6 g/kg/d, 60 d, 2 dMahmoudi et al., 1997
    Intragastric intubation, CIE
            Dentate gyrus+30N.S.
        Cerebral cortex
            Layer II+12
            Layer III+18
Rat, 6 g/kg/d, 30 d, 2 dPetrie et al., 2001
    Intragastric intubation, CIE
Rat, 6 g/kg/d, 60 d, 2 dPetrie et al., 2001
    Intragastric intubation, CIE
Rat, 6 g/kg/d, 60 d, 2 dCagetti et al., 2003
    Intragastric intubation, CIE
  • d, day(s); N.S., not significantly different from the control value.