The key phase III studies of cytokine inhibitors licensed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

TargetGeneric NameKey Phase III Study in RAReferenceSample SizePrimary Outcome (ACR20)Duration
TNFInfliximabATTRACTMaini et al., 1999428Active: 50–58%30
Placebo: 20%
AdalimumabARMADAWeinblatt et al., 2003271Active: 67%24
Placebo: 15%
EtanerceptMoreland et al., 1999234Active: 59%24
Placebo: 11%
GolimumabGO-FORWARDKeystone et al., 2009444Active + MTX: 56%14
Active − MTX: 44%
Placebo: 33%
CertolizumabRAPID-1Keystone et al., 2008982Active: 59–61%24
Placebo: 14%
IL-6RTocilizumabTOWARDGenovese et al., 20081220Active: 61%24
Placebo: 25%
OPTIONSmolen et al., 2008623Active: 48–59%24
Placebo: 26%
IL-1RAnakinraCohen et al., 2004506Active: 38%24
Placebo: 22%