Immunoregulation of human CysLTR expression

CysLT1IL-4Monocytes and monocytes-derived macrophages↑ mRNA; ↑; protein; ↑ [Ca2+]iThivierge et al., 2001
↑ mRNAWoszczek et al., 2005; Shirasaki et al., 2007
+ Anti-CD40 antibodyB lymphocytes↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinEarly et al., 2007
↑ [Ca2+]i; ↑ IgE/IgG productionLamoureux et al., 2006
T lymphocytes↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinEarly et al., 2007
IL-5Eosinophil-differentiated HL60↑ mRNA; ↑ protein; ↑ [Ca2+]iThivierge et al., 2000
IL-13Monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages↑ mRNA; ↑ protein; ↑ [Ca2+]iThivierge et al., 2001
↑ mRNAThivierge et al., 2001; Shirasaki et al., 2007
Lung fibroblasts↑ mRNA; ↑, protein; ↑ eotaxin productionChibana et al., 2003
Airway SMCsNo effect on mRNA; ↑ protein; ↑ cell proliferationEspinosa et al., 2003
IFN-γAirway SMCs↑ mRNA; ↑ protein; ↑ cell stiffnessAmrani et al., 2001
Airway SMCs↑ mRNA; ↑ protein; no effect on cell proliferationEspinosa et al., 2003
IL-1βHUVECs↑ mRNAGronert et al., 2001
TGF-βAirway SMCsNo effect on mRNA; ↓ protein; ↓ cell proliferationEspinosa et al., 2003
IL-10 (zymosan-induced)Monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells↓ mRNA; ↓ [Ca2+]I and chemotaxisWoszczek et al., 2008b
↓ mRNA; ↓ [Ca2+]i and chemotaxisThivierge et al., 2009
LPSMonocyte-derived dendritic cell↓ mRNA; ↓ protein; ↓ [Ca2+]i and chemotaxisThivierge et al., 2006
CysLT2IL-4HUVECs↑ mRNALötzer et al., 2003
Mast cells↑ proteinMellor et al., 2003
B and T lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinEarly et al., 2007
IL-13Monocytes↑ mRNAShirasaki et al., 2007
IFN-γEosinophils (asthmatics)↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinFujii et al., 2005
ECs↑ mRNA; ↑ [Ca2+]iWoszczek et al., 2007
Monocytes, T and B lymphocytes↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinEarly et al., 2007
IL-18HUVECs↑ mRNA; ↑ protein (first 2 h)Zhou et al., 2009
TNF-αHUVECs↓ mRNALötzer et al., 2003; Sjöström et al., 2003
LPSHUVECs↓ mRNASjöström et al., 2003
Monocyte-derived dendritic cell↑ mRNA; ↑ proteinThivierge et al., 2006
IL-1βHUVECs↓ mRNASjöström et al., 2003
IL-10Monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells↓ mRNAWoszczek et al., 2008b
  • a ↑, up-regulation; ↓, down-regulation; specified are the effects (at mRNA, protein, and functional level).