Table 5

Summary of the distribution of adenosine receptors

A1 ReceptorA2AReceptorA2B ReceptorA3 Receptor
High expression High expression High expression High expression
 Brain (cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus). Dorsal horn of spinal cord. Eye, adrenal gland, atria  Spleen, thymus, leukocytes (both lymphocytes and granulocytes), blood platelets. Striatopallidal GABAergic neurons (in caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, tuberculum olfactorium), olfactory bulb  Cecum, colon, bladderTestis (rat), mast cells (rat)
Intermediate levels Intermediate levels Intermediate levels Intermediate levels
 Other brain regions. Skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, adipose tissue, salivary glands, esophagus, colon, antrum, testis  Heart, lung, blood vessels Lung, blood vessels, eye, median eminence, mast cells Cerebellum (human?), hippocampus (human?), lung, spleen (sheep), pineal
Low levels Low levels Low levels Low levels
 Lung (but probably higher in bronchi), pancreas  Other brain regions  Adipose tissue, adrenal gland, brain, kidney, liver, ovary, pituitary gland Thyroid, most of brain, adrenal gland, spleen (human), liver, kidney, heart, intestine, testis (human)

Data where there is correspondence between mRNA distribution and receptor distribution are given in bold. Data based mainly or exclusively on distribution of mRNA are given in ordinary letters. Ambiguous data (including major species differences) are given in italics.