Table 1

Initial reports of the cloning of the NOP1 receptor

MouseKOR-3 Pan et al., 1994, 1995
MOR-C Nishi et al., 1994
RatLC132 Bunzow et al., 1994
XOR1 Wang et al., 1994
Wick et al., 1994
Ratxor1 Chen et al., 1994
C3 Lachowicz et al., 1995
ROR-C Fukuda et al., 1994
Keith et al., 1994
HumanORL1 Mollereau et al., 1994
  • The NOP1 receptor was cloned from several species by a number of groups. A listing of the initial descriptions and their nomenclature is presented above. Since these initial reports, a large number of laboratories have been involved with the study of this receptor.