Selection of diseases/conditions associated with HO-1 expression

Selection of Pathological Conditions Associated with HO-1 Expression References
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Levere et al., 1993
Acute pancreatitis Fu et al., 1997
Acute renal failure Nath et al., 1992
Alzheimer disease Smith et al., 1994
Angiogenesis Deramaudt et al., 1998
Asthma Horvath et al., 1998
Atherosclerosis Siow et al., 1999
Cancer Maines and Abrahamsson, 1996
Cerebrovascular accident Panahian et al., 1999
Chronic obstructive lung disease Maestrelli et al., 2001
Corneal inflammation Laniado-Schwartzman et al., 1997
Diabetes Cosso et al., 2001
Gastrointestinal disease Guo et al., 2001
Hyperoxia-induced lung injury Lee et al., 1996b
Hypertension Johnson et al., 1995
Hypoxic/ischemic injury Bergeron et al., 1997
Iron homeostasis Poss and Tonegawa, 1997a
Ischemia/reperfusion Maines et al., 1993
Nephritis Mosley et al., 1998
Pleuritis Willis, 1995
Pre-eclampsia Barber et al., 2001
Rhabdomyolysis Nath et al., 1992
Sepsis and endotoxemia Otterbein et al., 1995
Sickle cell disease Nath et al., 2001a
Spinal cord injury Mautes et al., 1998
Transplant rejection Hancock et al., 1998
Vascular injury Tulis et al., 2001
Wound healing Hanselmann et al., 2001