An overview on experimental observations that demonstrate an involvement of C/EBPs in the transcriptional regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes

CYP Gene Cell Cultures Experimental Approach Agonistic TFs Antagonistic TFs C/EBP-Binding Authors
Human CYP2B6 Human HepG2 cells Transfection with Zn-inducible C/EBP-α vector to achieve C/EBP-α reexpression C/EBP-α Jover et al., 1998
Human CYP2C9 Human HepG2 cells Transfection with Zn-inducible C/EBP-α vector to achieve C/EBP-α reexpression C/EBP-α Jover et al., 1998
Human CYP2D6 Human HepG2 cells Transfection with Zn-inducible C/EBP-α vector to achieve C/EBP-α reexpression C/EBP-α Jover et al., 1998
Rat CYP2C12 (female specific) Primary rat hepatocytes C/EBP-α overexpression in the presence and absence of IRE-ABP, and DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility shift assays C/EBP-α IRE-ABP nts −222 to −204 Buggs et al., 1998
Human CYP3A4 Human HepG2 cells Cotransfection of C/EBP-α and DBP plus promotor deletion experiments with reporter gene assay C/EBP-α nts −57 to +11 Ourlin et al., 1997
Human CYP3A7 Human HepG2 cells Cotransfection of C/EBP-α and DBP plus promotor deletion experiments with reporter gene assay C/EBP-α nts −55 to +13 Ourlin et al., 1997
Chicken CYP2H1 Chicken embryo hepatocytes, human HepG2 cells, COS-1 cells Promotor deletion experiments and DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility shift assays Rat HNF-1α, rat HNF-1β, rat HNF-3α or -β and chicken C/EBP-α USF (repression, derepression by phenobarbital through competition at Barbie-box-like sequence) Dogra and May, 1997
Rat CYP2B1 Human HepG2 cells Promotor deletion experiments and DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility shift assays C/EBP-α nts −64 to −45 Park and Kemper, 1996
Rat CYP2B1 Nuclear extracts from rat livers, primary rat hepatocytes Promotor deletion experiments and DNase I footpring analysis, gel mobility shift assays, in vitro transfection assay C/EBP-α nts −66 to −42 Luc et al., 1996
Rat CYP2B2 Primary rat hepatocytes Promotor deletion experiments and DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility shift assays, in vitro transfection assay C/EBP-α nts −66 to −42 Luc et al., 1996
Rat CYP2C12 Primary rat hepatocytes Transient transfection of a C/EBP-α expression vector plus promotor deletion experiments with reporter gene assay, DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility supershift assays C/EBP-α nts −229 to −207 Tollet et al., 1995
Rat CYP2D5 Human HepG2 cells, Drosophila melanogaster cells Transient transfection of a C/EBP-α or C/EBP-β or HNF-1 or a DBP expression vector plus promotor deletion experiments with reporter gene assay, DNase I footprint analysis, gel mobility supershift assays Sp1, C/EBP-β forms a ternary complex with a possible agonistic protein-protein interaction Sp1-C/EBP-β Lee et al., 1994a
  • IRE-ABP, insulin response element-A binding protein; TF, transcriptional factor; nts = nucleotides numbered in relation to the start site of transcription within the respective promoter of the CYP gene; agonistic TFs = transcription factors that enhance CYP gene expression; antagonistic TFs = transcription factors that inhibit CYP gene expression.