KV11.2 channels

Channelname KV11.2
Description Voltage-gated potassium channel
Other names erg21,2
Molecular information Human: 994aa, NM_030779 (transcript variant 1) chr. 17q23.3, KCNH6, GeneID: 81033, PMID: 104143056
Rat: 950aa, NM_053937, chr. 10q32.1
Associated subunits See “Comments”
Functional assays Voltage-clamp
Current Not established
Conductance Not established
Ion selectivity Not established
Activation Not established
Inactivation Not established
Activators None
Gating inhibitors None
Blockers Sipatrigine
Radioligands None
Channel distribution Brain,2 uterus, leiomyosarcoma, hippocampus, neuroblastoma, lactotrophs,3 GH3/B6 cells, rat pituitary4
Physiological functions Not established
Mutations and pathophysiology Not established
Pharmacological significance Not established
Comments KV11.1, KV11.2, and KV11.3 can form heteromultimers5
  • aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome.

  • 1. Schafer R, Wulfsen I, Behrens S, Weinsberg F, Bauer CK, and Schwarz JR (1999) The erg-like potassium current in rat lactotrophs. J Physiol 518:401-416

  • 2. Ganetzky BS and Titus SA (2000) inventors, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, assignee. Potassium ion channel genes and proteins. U.S. patent A6,087,488. 2000 11 Jul

  • 3. Shi W, Wymore RS, Wang HS, Pan Z, Cohen IS, McKinnon D, and Dixon JE (1997) Identification of two nervous system-specific members of the erg potassium channel gene family. J Neurosci 17:9423-9432

  • 4. Wulfsen I, Hauber HP, Schiemann D, Bauer CK, and Schwarz JR (2000). Expression of mRNA for voltage-dependent and inward-rectifying K channels in GH3/B6 cells and rat pituitary. J Neuroendocrinol 12:263-272

  • 5. Wimmers S, Wulfsen I, Bauer CK, and Schwarz JR (2001). Erg1, erg2 and erg3 K channel subunits are able to form heteromultimers. Pflueg Arch Eur J Physiol 441:450-455

  • 6. Ganetzky B, Robertson GA, Wilson GF, Trudeau MC, and Titus SA (1999) The eag family of K+ channels in Drosophila and mammals. Ann NY Acad Sci 868:356-369