Channel name | K2P12.1 |
Description | Two-pore domain potassium channel subunit1 |
Other names | KCNK12, THIK-2 |
Molecular information | Human: 430aa, NM_022055, chr0.2p22-p21, KCNK12, GeneID: 56660, PMID: 110603161 |
Rat: 430aa, NM_022292, kcnk12 | |
Mouse: not cloned | |
Associated subunits | Not established |
Functional assays | Electrophysiological |
Current | Not established (see “Comments”)1,2 |
Conductance | No function demonstrated |
Ion selectivity | Not established |
Activation | Not established |
Inactivation | Not established |
Activators | None |
Gating inhibitors | None |
Blockers | None |
Radioligands | None |
Channel distribution | Brain, heart, lung, kidney, liver, small intestine, colon, pancreas, prostate, placenta, spleen, thymus, ovary |
Physiological functions | Not established |
Mutations and pathophysiology | Not established |
Pharmacological significance | Not established |
Comments | The product of this gene has not yet been shown to be a functional channel |
aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome.
↵1. Rajan S, Wischmeyer E, Karschin C, Preisig-Muller R, Grzeschik KH, Daut J, Karschin A, and Derst C (2001) THIK-1 and THIK-2, a novel subfamily of tandem pore domain K+ channels. J Biol Chem 276:7302-7311
↵2. Girard C, Duprat F, Terrenoire C, Tinel N, Fosset M, Romey G, Lazdunski M, and Lesage F (2001) Genomic and functional characteristics of novel human pancreatic 2P domain K+ channels. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282:249-256