K2P17.1 channels

Channel name K2P17.1
Description Two-pore domain potassium channel subunit; open rectifier
Other names KCNK17, TASK-4, TALK-2
Molecular information Human: 332aa, NM_031460, chr0.6p21.1-2, KCNK17,1 GeneID: 89822, PMID: 112639991
Rat: not cloned
Mouse: not cloned
Associated subunits Not established
Functional assays Electrophysiological1
Current Open rectifier
Conductance Not established
Ion selectivity Not established
Activation See “Comments”
Inactivation See “Comments”
Activators Nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species3
Gating inhibitors None
Blockers Ba2+, external pH,2,3 chloroform (∼800 mM)
Radioligands None
Channel distribution Heart, lung, liver, pancreas,1 placenta
Physiological functions Not established
Mutations and pathophysiology Not established
Pharmacological significance Not established
Comments Activation and deactivation with voltage steps seem to be instantaneous; the open probability of K2P17 increases as pHo is raised above physiological levels (see K2P16)
  • aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome.

  • 1. Girard C, Duprat F, Terrenoire C, Tinel N, Fosset M, Romey G, Lazdunski M, and Lesage F (2001) Genomic and functional characteristics of novel human pancreatic 2P domain K(+) channels. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282:249-256

  • 2. Decher N, Maier M, Dittrich W, Gassenhuber J, Bruggemann A, Busch AE, and Steinmeyer K (2001) Characterization of TASK-4, a novel member of the pH-sensitive, two-pore domain potassium channel family. FEBS Lett 492:84-89

  • 3. Duprat F, Girard C, Jarretou G, and Lazdunski M (2004) Pancreatic two P domain K+ channels TALK-1 and TALK-2 are activated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species. J Physiol 562:235-244