Channel name | K2P6.1 |
Description | Two-pore domain potassium channel subunit; open rectifier |
Other names | KCNK6, TWIK-2, TOSS |
Molecular information | Human: 313aa,1 NM_004823, chr0.19q13-1,2 KCNK6, GeneID: 9424, PMID: 103590731 |
Rat: 313aa, NM_053806, kcnk6 | |
Mouse: not cloned | |
Associated subunits | Not established |
Functional assays | Electrophysiological |
Current | Open rectifier3,4 |
Conductance | <5pS |
Ion selectivity | Not established |
Activation | See “Comments” |
Inactivation | See “Comments” |
Activators | Arachidonic acid |
Gating inhibitors | None |
Blockers | Ba2+ (100 μM), quinidine (100 mM), volatile anesthetics |
Radioligands | None |
Channel distribution | Pancreas, placenta, heart (see “Comments”) |
Physiological functions | Not established |
Mutations and pathophysiology | Not established |
Pharmacological significance | Not established |
Comments | Activation and deactivation with voltage steps seem to be instantaneous; displays time-dependent inactivation at depolarized potentials4; the rat variant has been reported to be widely expressed (including brain, lung, kidney, liver, spleen, heart, esophagus, stomach, colon, and skeletal muscle) |
aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome; TOSS, TWIK-originated similarity sequence.
↵1. Pountney DJ, Gulkarov I, Vega-Saenz de Miera E, Holmes D, Saganich M, Rudy B, Artman M, and Coetzee WA (1999) Identification and cloning of TWIK-originated similarity sequence (TOSS): a novel human 2-pore K+ channel principal subunit. FEBS Lett 450:191-196
↵2. Gray AT, Kindler CH, Sampson ER, and Yost CS (1999) Assignment of KCNK6 encoding the human weak inward rectifier potassium channel TWIK-2 to chromosome band 19q13.1 by radiation hybrid mapping. Cytogenet Cell Genet 84:190-191
↵3. Chavez RA, Gray AT, Zhao BB, Kindler CH, Mazurek MJ, Mehta Y, Forsayeth JR, and Yost CS (1999) TWIK-2, a new weak inward rectifying member of the tandem pore domain potassium channel family. J Biol Chem 274:7887-7892
↵4. Patel AJ, Maingret F, Magnone V, Fosset M, Lazdunski M, and Honoré E (2000) TWIK-2, an inactivating 2P domain K+ channel. J Biol Chem 275:28722-28730