Channel name | K2P10.1 |
Description | Two-pore domain potassium channel subunit; open rectifier1 |
Other names | KCNK10, TREK-2 |
Molecular information | Human: 538aa (see `Comments'), NM_138317, chr0.14q31, KCNK10, GeneID: 54207, PMID: 107479111 |
Rat: 538aa, NM_023096, kcnk10 | |
Mouse: not cloned | |
Associated subunits | Not established |
Functional assays | Electrophysiological |
Current | Open rectifier2 |
Conductance | 100pS (see “Comments”) |
Ion selectivity | Not established |
Activation | See “Comments” |
Inactivation | See “Comments” |
Activators | Arachidonic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, linoleic acid, lysophosphatidylcholine,3 intracellular acidification, volatile anesthetics: halothane (∼1 mM), isoflurane (∼1 mM); riluzole (∼1 mM), heat,6 mechanical stress3 |
Gating inhibitors | None |
Blockers | Quinidine (100 mM), PKA, PKC |
Radioligands | None |
Channel distribution | Kidney, pancreas, prostate, thymus, liver, heart (see “Comments”)2 |
Physiological functions | See “Comments”4,5 |
Mutations and pathophysiology | Not established |
Pharmacological significance | Not established |
Comments | Activation and deactivation with voltage steps seem to be instantaneous; splice variants have been identified in human and rat; the rat variant is reported to have a conductance of 68pS and to be expressed in brain; K2P10-like currents are observed in cerebellar granular neurons, magnocellular neurosecretory cells of rat supraoptic nucleus,4,5 rat cortical astrocytes,7 and insulin-secreting MIN6 cells8 |
aa, amino acids; chr., chromosome; PKA, protein kinase A; protein kinase C.
↵1. Bang H, Kim Y, and Kim D (2000) TREK-2, a new member of the mechano-sensitive tandem-pore K+ channel family. J Biol Chem 275:17412-17419
↵2. Gu W, Schlichthorl G, Hirsch JR, Engels H, Karschin C, Karschin A, Derst C, Steinlein OK, and Daut J (2002) Expression pattern and functional characteristics of two novel splice variants of the two-pore-domain potassium channel TREK-2. J Physiol 539:657-668
↵3. Lesage F, Terrenoire C, Romey G, and Lazdunski M (2000) Human TREK2, a 2P domain mechano-sensitive K+ channel with multiple regulations by polyunsaturated fatty acids, lysophospholipids, and Gs, Gi, and Gq protein-coupled receptors. J Biol Chem 275:28398-28405
↵4. Han J, Truell J, Gnatenco C, and Kim D (2002) Characterization of four types of background potassium channels in rat cerebellar granule neurons. J Physiol 542:431-444
↵5. Han J, Gnatenco C, Sladek CD, and Kim D (2003) Background and tandem-pore potassium channels in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the rat supraoptic nucleus. J Physiol 546:625-639
↵6. Kang DW, Choe CY, and Kim D (2005) Thermosensitivity of the two-pore domain K+ channels TREK-2 and TRAAK. J Physiol 564:103-116
↵7. Gnatenco C, Han JH, Snyder AK, and Kim D (2002) Functional expression of TREK-2 K+ channel in cultured astrocytes. Brain Res 931:56-67
↵8. Kang DW, Choe C, and Kim D (2004) Functional expression ofTREK-2 in insulin-secreting MIN6 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 323:323-331