MRP substrate specificity

Protein/Gene Alternative Names Substrates References
MRP1/ABCC1 MRP; GS-X Leukotriene C4; oxidized glutathione; vincristine; daunorubicin; etoposide; methotrexate; glutathione, glucuronide, and sulfate conjugates Judlitschky et al. (1996); Loe et al. (1996); Keppler et al. (1997); Rappa et al. (1997); Loe et al. (1998); Hooijberg et al. (1999); Leslie et al. (2005)
MRP2/ABCC2 cMOAT; cMRP Similar to MRP1; cisplatin; methotrexate Jedlitschky et al. (1997); Evers et al. (1998); Suzuki and Sugiyama (1998); Cui et al. (1999); Hooijberg et al. (1999); Kawabe et al. (1999)
MRP3/ABCC3 MOAT-D Monoanionic and conjugated bile acids; etoposide; methotrexate Hirohashi et al. (2000); Zelcer et al. (2001); Meier and Stieger (2002)
MRP4/ABCC4 MOAT-B Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP); nucleotide analogs (PMEA, azidothymidine-monophosphate); prostaglandins; methotrexate Schuetz et al. (1999); Reid et al. (2003a,b); Wielinga et al. (2003)
MRP5/ABCC5 MOAT-C Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP); nucleotide analogs (PMEA, stavudine-monophosphate) Jedlitschky et al. (2000); Wijnholds et al. (2000b); Wielinga et al. (2003); Reid et al. (2003a)
MRP6/ABCC6 MOAT- E; MLP-1a Small peptides (BQ123); glutathione conjugates Madon et al. (2000); Belinsky et al. (2002); Iliás et al. (2002)
MRP7/ABCC10 Estradiol-17 β-glucuronide; leukotriene C4; docetaxel Chen et al. (2003); Hopper-Borge et al. (2004)
MRP8/ABCC11 Nucleotide analogs (PMEA), DHEAS, fluoropyrimidines Guo et al. (2003); Chen et al. (2005b)
MRP9/ABCC12 N.A. Bera et al. (2002)
  • MOAT, multispecific organic anion transporter; N.A., not available; SMRP, short MRP; DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone 3-sulfate

  • a The MLP-1 and MLP-2 proteins were subsequently identified as rat orthologs of MRP6 and MRP3, respectively