Subcellular localization of efflux Mrp and Bcrp transporters in various species

For each transporter, the apical or basolateral localization in a particular tissue and/or species is provided. Species included rat (R), mouse (M), human (H), and bovine (B). Detailed information regarding particular cellular populations or regions of the tissue are provided for some transporter isoforms.

Cellular LocalizationTissueSpeciesCell TypesReferences
    ApicalPlacentaHSyncytiotrophoblasts, endothelial cellsSt-Pierre et al., 2000
    ApicalBrainH, BCapillary endothelial cellsNies et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004d
    BasolateralChoroid plexusM, REpithelial cellsRao et al., 1999; Wijnholds et al., 2000a
    BasolateralFetal membranesHAmnion, chorionic, decidual membranesAye et al., 2007
    BasolateralLungM, HMucosal layer, bronchial epitheliumWijnholds et al., 1998; Scheffer et al., 2002c
    BasalTestesM, HLeydig and Sertoli cellsWijnholds et al., 1998; Bart et al., 2004
    BasolateralIntestineMCrypt cells (Paneth cells)Peng et al., 1999
    BasolateralHeartMSarcolemmaJungsuwadee et al., 2006
    N.D.KidneyMLimb of Henle and collecting ducts, glomeruliWijnholds et al., 1998; Peng et al., 1999
    Apical/BasolateralBrainM, REndothelial cellsMiller et al., 2000; Soontornmalai et al., 2006
    ApicalPlacentaHSyncytiotrophoblastsSt-Pierre et al., 2000
    ApicalFetal membranesM, HVisceral yolk sac, amnionAye et al., 2007; Aleksunes et al., 2008b
    ApicalKidneyR, HProximal tubule cellsSchaub et al., 1997; Scheffer et al., 2000
    ApicalLiverR, HHepatocytesPaulusma et al., 1996; Scheffer et al., 2000
    ApicalGallbladderHEpithelial cellsRost et al., 2001
    ApicalSmall intestineREnterocytes (jejunum)Mottino et al., 2000; Rost et al., 2002
    Tight junctionBrainMChoroid plexusSoontornmalai et al., 2006
    BasolateralLiverHHepatocytes (periportal)Konig et al., 1999; Scheffer et al., 2000; Nies et al., 2004
    BasolateralLiverM, RHepatocytes (centrilobular)Donner and Keppler, 2001; Soroka et al., 2001; Zelcer et al., 2006
    BasolateralLiverR, HCholangiocytesSoroka et al., 2001; Scheffer et al., 2002b
    BasolateralPancreasM, HDuctal cellsScheffer et al., 2002b; Zelcer et al., 2006
    BasolateralKidneyHDistal convoluted tubule cells, loop of HenleScheffer et al., 2002b
    BasolateralGallbladderHEpithelial cellsScheffer et al., 2002b
    BasolateralSmall intestine/colonM, R, HEnterocytes (ileum), crypt cellsRost et al., 2002; Scheffer et al., 2002b; Mutch et al., 2004
    N.D.Adrenal glandHZona reticularis, fasciculateScheffer et al., 2002b
    ApicalPlacentaHSyncytiotrophoblasts, endotheliumSt-Pierre et al., 2000
    ApicalBrainR, HCapillary endothelial cellsNies et al., 2004; Roberts et al., 2008
    Apical/BasolateralChoroid plexusREpithelial cellsRoberts et al., 2008
    ApicalKidneyHProximal tubule cellsvan Aubel et al., 2002
    BasolateralFetal membranesMVisceral yolk sacAleksunes et al., 2008b
    BasolateralLiverMHepatocytesAssem et al., 2004
    BasolateralProstateHGlandular epithelial cellsLee et al., 2000b; Rius et al., 2005
    BasolateralBrainREpendymal cellsRoberts et al., 2008
    ApicalBrainM, B, HEndothelial cells, pyramidal neuronsNies et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004d; Soontornmalai et al., 2006
    BasolateralPlacentaHSyncytiotrophoblastsMeyer Zu Schwabedissen et al., 2005
    Basolateral/ApicalFetal membranesM, HVisceral yolk sac, amnionAye et al., 2007; Aleksunes et al., 2008b
    N.D.GenitourinaryHCorpus cavernosum, ureter, urethra, bladderNies et al., 2002b
    N.D.HeartHAuricular & ventricular cardiomyocytes, capillary endothelial cells, smooth muscle cellsDazert et al., 2003
    BasolateralFetal membranesMVisceral yolk sacAleksunes et al., 2008b
    BasolateralLiverM, R, HHepatocytesMadon et al., 2000; Scheffer et al., 2002a; Gorgels et al., 2005
    BasolateralKidneyM, HProximal tubule cellsScheffer et al., 2002a; Beck et al., 2003; Gorgels et al., 2005
    ApicalTongueMSquamous epithelial cellsBeck et al., 2003
    N.D.EyeMNeuron layerBeck et al., 2003
    N.D.BrainMCerebrum neurons, Purkinje, ependymal cellsBeck et al., 2003
    N.D.IntestineMMucosal cellsBeck et al., 2003
    ApicalLiverM, HHepatocytesMaliepaard et al., 2001; Jonker et al., 2002
    ApicalGallbladderHEpitheliumAust et al., 2004
    ApicalKidneyMProximal tubule cellsJonker et al., 2002
    ApicalSmall IntestineM, HEnterocytesMaliepaard et al., 2001; Jonker et al., 2002
    ApicalBrainM, R, HBrain capillaries, choroid plexusCooray et al., 2002; Hori et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2005b
    ApicalFetal membranesM, HVisceral yolk sac, amnionAleksunes et al., 2008b; Yeboah et al., 2008
    Apical/BasolateralPlacentaM, HSyncytiotrophoblastsMaliepaard et al., 2001; Jonker et al., 2002
    ApicalTestesM, HEndothelial cellsBart et al., 2004; Enokizono et al., 2007
    ApicalEpididymisMBody, headEnokizono et al., 2007
    ApicalMammary glandH, R, BEpithelia from lactating glandMaliepaard et al., 2001; Pulido et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008b
    ApicalEyeMRetinal capillary endothelial cellsAsashima et al., 2006
    ApicalLungHEpithelium, glands, endothelial cellsScheffer et al., 2002c
    N.D.HeartHCapillary endothelial cells and arteriolesMeissner et al., 2006
  • N.D, not determined.