Cell-surface CD molecules preferentially expressed on B cells

CD NameAlternative NameGene FamilyExpressionFunction
CD19B4Ig superfamilyAll B cellsRegulates B-cell signaling
CD20B1Tetraspan familyMature B cellsMembrane-embedded Ca2+ channel
CD21CR2Complement receptor familyMature B cells and FDCActs as a complement receptor (C3d)
CD22BL-CAMIg superfamilyMature B cellsLectin-like adhesion molecule
CD23FcεRC-type lectinActivated B cells and FDCLow-affinity IgE receptor
CD79a,bIg α/βIg superfamilyIg + B cellsMediates Ig signaling
CD267TACITNFR superfamilySubset of mature B cellsCell-survival receptor
CD269BCMATNFR superfamilyMature B cells and plasma cellsCell-survival receptor
CD307FCRL5Ig superfamilyMature B cellsRegulates B-cell activation