Table with strengths/weaknesses of different models for areas of the nephron

Nephron PartCell OriginApplicationsProsCons
Proximal tubulePrimary PTECsDrug transport and nephrotoxicityTEER similar to native tissue, metabolic enzymes, and drug transporters preservedShort-term cultures (up to 2 weeks max), limited access to primary material
iPSCsDrug transport and nephrotoxicityCan be expanded, compatible with long-term cultureImmature expression of uptake transporters
Immortalized PTECsDrug transport and nephrotoxicityCan be expanded (30 passages), compatible with long-term cultureImmature expression of uptake transporters
GlomerulusPrimary podoctyesStudies of podocytopathiesExpress slit diaphragm proteins, patient-derived podocyte cultures are possibleLimited access to primary material
iPSCsStudy of podocytopathiesLong-term cultures, generation of isogenic linesLoss of foot processes and slit diaphragms in most of models
Distal tubule and collecting ductiPSCsDrug testing, disease modelExpression of AQP2, response to toxinsMost models show incomplete maturation of distal tubule and collecting duct