Administration routes of pro-angiogenic therapies aimed at promoting brain revascularization in preclinical trials

RouteProcedureVectorTherapeutic factorDoseDuration of treatmentCNS diseaseRef.
SystemicTail vein injection/ infusion-rhANGPTL440 µg/kgSingle doseIS(Bouleti et al., 2013)
-rhVEGF1651 mg/kg5 µl/min, 4 hoursIS(Zhang ZG et al., 2000)
-rhVEGF165human neural stem cells50 µg/kg500 µl1 µg/kg, 1hour104 cells/µl, 5minIS(Chu K et al., 2005)
AV transfected human mesenchymal stem cellsPlGF107 cellsSingle doseIS(Liu H et al., 2006)
Retro-orbital sinusFusogenic liposomesResveratrol2 mg/kg/day4 daysAg(Wiedenhoeft et al., 2019)
Intraperito-neal-rhVEGF1658 µg/kg/day3 daysAD(Wang P et al., 2011)
-Vitamin C2000 mg/kgSingle doseIS(Chang et al., 2020)
IntracerebralDiffusion from cortexPLGA nanospheresrhVEGF1651 µg/mouseSingle doseAD(Herran et al., 2013a)
Encapsulated BHK-VEGF cellshVEGF16520–30 microcapsulesSingle doseAD(Spuch et al., 2010)
Encapsulated BHK-VEGF cellshVEGF1651microcapsule (106 cells); 10-20 ng VEGF released/daySingle doseIS(Yano et al., 2005)
Osmotic mini-pumps-rhVEGF16510 µg/ml1 µl/hour, 3 daysIS(Sun Y et al., 2003)
IgG antibodyAnti-Nogo-A7 mg/ml7 daysIS(Rust, et al., 2019b)
Local injectionAAVhVegf1655 µl (5x109 TU/ml)0.2 µl/min, 15 minIS(Shen F et al., 2006)
AAVH9hVegf1655 µl (2x109 TU/ml)0.2 µl/min, 15 minIS(Shen F et al., 2008)
AAVSestrin210 µl (1010 TU/ml)0.5 µl/min, 20 minIS(Li Y et al., 2020)
AAVPlGF3x109 AAV particles2 µl × 4 injectionsIS(Gaál et al., 2013)
AVhbFGF50 µl (1x108 TU)3.3 µl/min, 15 minIS(Watanabe et al., 2004)
LentivirusmiR-2102.2 µl (2x109 TU/ml)0.2 µl/min, 15 minN, IS(Zeng L et al., 2014; Zeng LL et al., 2016)
LentivirusmiR-1262 µl (5.6x108 TU/ml)0.2 µl/min, 10 minIS(Qu et al., 2019)
LentivirusmiR-1240.2 µl (108 TU/ml)Single doseAD(Li AD et al., 2019)
NiosomeshVegf1655 µlSingle doseN(Gallego et al., 2020)
PLGA microparticlehNSCrhVEGF16520 µg/µl (104 cells)Single doseIS(Bible et al., 2012)
hNSChVegf1652 µl (2x105 cells)Single doseIS(Lee et al., 2007)
HSV-1 transfected BMSC cellshbFGF10 µl (1x106 cells)Single doseIS(Ikeda et al., 2005)
HA hydrogelrhVEGF1656 µlSingle doseIS(Ju et al., 2014; Nih et al., 2016)
PEG-PPS hydrogeliPS-NPC cells-Single doseN(Zhang J et al., 2011)
IntranasalNeuro-olfactory pathway-rhVEGF165100 µl/day(200 µg/ml)10 µl at a time for 18.5min, at intervals of 2min, alternating the nostrils. 3 daysIS(Yang et al., 2009a)
RVG29-PEG-PLGA nanoparticlesmiR-1242 drops containing miR-124 at 5 µg/mlEvery 2 days after the modeling during a weekIS(Hao et al., 2020)
  • AAV, adeno-associated virus; AD, Alzheimeŕs disease; Ag, aging; ANGPTL4, angiopoietin-like 4; AV, adenovirus; BHK, baby hamster kidney cells; BMSC, bone marrow stromal cells; CNS, central nervous system; HA, hyaluronic acid; HSV-1, herpes simplex virus type 1; iPS-NPC, human induced pluripotent stem-neural progenitor cells; IS, ischemic stroke; hMSCs human mesenchymal stem cells; hNSC, human neural stem cell; N, normal; NSC, neural stem cells; PEG, poly(ethylene glycol); PLGA, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); PPS, poly(propylene sulfide); rh, recombinant human; TU, transducing units; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.