Article Information
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- Published online December 2, 2003.
Copyright & Usage
The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Author Information
- W. A. Catterall,
- K. G. Chandy,
- D. E. Clapham,
- G. A. Gutman,
- F. Hofmann,
- A. J. Harmar,
- D. R. Abernethy1, and
- M. Spedding2
- Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (W.A.C.); Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, California (K.G.C.); Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (D.E.C.); Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, California (G.A.G.); Division of Neuroscience, School of Biomedical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland (A.J.H.); Institut für Pharmakologie und Technische, Universität München, München, Germany (F.H.); Gerontology Research Center, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland (D.R.A.); Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier (I.R.I.S.), Neuilly-sur-Seine, France (M.S.)
- Address correspondence to: Dr. Darrell R. Abernethy, National Institute on Aging, Gerontology Research Center, 5600 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224. E-mail: abernethyd{at}