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Therapeutic Targeting of B Cells for Rheumatic Autoimmune Diseases
Pablo Engel, José A. Gómez-Puerta, Manuel Ramos-Casals, Francisco Lozano and Xavier Bosch
David R. Sibley, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Immunology Unit, Department of Cell Biology, Immunology and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (P.E., F.L.); Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain (P.E., M.R.-C., F.L., X.B.); Arthritis Unit, Department of Rheumatology (J.A.G.-P.), Laboratory of Autoimmune Diseases Josep Font, Department of Autoimmune Diseases (M.R.-C.), Department of Immunology (F.L.), and Department of Internal Medicine (X.B.), Hospital Clínic Universitari de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Pharmacological Reviews March 2011, 63 (1) 127-156; DOI: